"You will never out-play your

Technique - Electric Bass Intemediate beginner advanced technique flow chart

4. Practice "CD" Menuet and Bouree is a downloadable play-along used for building technique up and down the fingerboard. Each of the songs are performed in all twelve keys.

Practice CD - Integrated Reading Technique CD1, Examples 1-50
Practice CD - Integrated Reading Technique CD2, Examples 51-100
Practice CD - Integrated Reading Technique CD3, Examples 101-132
Practice CD - Integrated Reading Technique CD4, Examples 133-155
Technique - Double Bass Intemediate
"The possibilities for exploration with each study and etude in Build It Solid is endless. Bravo!" - GARY KARR

2. Jazz Bass Walking. Although this is a Jazz book, every bass player needs to strengthen the hand position required to play the exmaples in this book.

Play-Along Tracks for all examples included.
"I was impressed that so many of your studies can be executed with a variety of fingerings and bowings. Fun!" - GARY KARR