"When the Bass player starts playing his Motown line, everyone heads for the dance floor."

Motown Studies

Lots of killer bass lines starting quite simple and moving into advanced level. The bulk of the songs are at an intermediate level of difficulty. Tremendous grooving play-alongs will make you LOVE this one.

We start with indentifying Jamersons' rhythmic cells and basic pitch sets, moving to songs/etudes. Finally, we arrive at twenty-five pages of transcriptions of classic
Motown bass.

Similar to What Makes Motown Bass Motown? but with many more killer transcriptions. The first two chapters are learning the basic language at a beginning level. The transcriptions are at an advanced level.
3. R&B Bass

As a reading book, most of the Motown and R&B songs are at an intermediate level.
**** This book has been on the "Best Seller" list for years.